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Budget Hearing Materials 2022

The Independent Fiscal Office submitted materials to the House and Senate Appropriations Committees ahead of its budget hearings. The packet includes data on the state economy, revenues, demographics and other miscellaneous topics.

Tags: budget, hearings

Budget Hearing Materials 2022

The Independent Fiscal Office submitted materials to the House and Senate Appropriations Committees ahead of its budget hearings. The packet includes data on the state economy, revenues, demographics and other miscellaneous topics.


Budget hearings Packet for Appropriations Committees

The Independent Fiscal Office submitted materials to the House and Senate Appropriations Committees ahead of its scheduled budget hearings. This packet examines the minimum wage, personal and corporate income tax and other proposals included in the FY 2021-22 Executive Budget.


Budget hearings Packet for Appropriations Committees

The Independent Fiscal Office submitted material to the House and Senate Appropriations Committees in advance of its scheduled budget hearings. Testimony


Performance-Based Budget Board hearings Agenda- Year 2

The IFO has posted the agenda for upcoming performance-based budget and tax credit review hearings.


Budget hearings Packet For Appropriations Committees

The Independent Fiscal Office submitted material to the House and Senate Appropriations Committees in advance of its scheduled budget hearings. Testimony


Performance-Based Budget Board hearings Agenda- Revised

The IFO has posted a revised agenda for the upcoming performance-based budget and tax credit review hearings.


Performance-Based Budget Board hearings Agenda

The IFO has posted the agenda for upcoming performance-based budget and tax credit review hearings.


Performance-Based Budget Board hearings Schedule

The IFO has posted the schedule for upcoming performance-based budget and tax credit review hearings.


Budget hearings Packet for Appropriations Committees

The Independent Fiscal Office submitted material to the House and Senate Appropriations Committees in advance of its scheduled budget hearings on Tuesday, February 20.  The hearings packet contains a brief background on the Independent Fiscal Office and its responsibilities, along with a list of the reports and analyses published since January 2017. It also provides data regarding the economic and revenue outlook, demographics, pensions, and natural gas. Testimony Supplemental Table


Department of Corrections Performance Measures

At the request of the General Assembly, the IFO has published a performance measurement report for the Department of Corrections (DOC) in advance of the agency’s budget hearings. The report includes agency cost-drivers, performance metrics and multi-state comparisons. The DOC report arises from the IFO’s 2016 report, “Using Performance Measures in the State Budget,” in which the office outlined options for performance measurement and provided a prototype report that could be integrated into the state budget process and utilized during annual budget hearings.


Budget Hearing Packet for Appropriations Committees

The IFO has compiled information for the House and Senate Appropriations Committees in advance of its scheduled testimony on Tuesday, February 21.  The hearing packet contains a brief background on the Independent Fiscal Office and its responsibilities, along with a list of the reports and analyses published since January 2016. It also provides data regarding the economic and revenue outlook, demographics, pensions, and natural gas.    Download a version for optimized web viewing


Using Performance Measures in the State Budget

Discusses performance-based budgeting and how it could be integrated into Pennsylvania's budget process. Highlights how other states are effectively using performance measures in their budget systems. Includes a prototype report which could be used in agency budget hearings and provides a method for quick integration.



procedure) or any other provision of law, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction to do as follows: (1) hear any claim of contract impairment for failure to pay certified contributions; (2) render a declaratory judgment or take such other a), 8346(a), (a.1), (b), (b.1)(1) and (d)(1) and (2), 8347(a) and (b) and 8349 heading, (a) and (b) of Title 24 are amended to read: § 8345. Member's options. (a) General rule.--Any Class T-

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IFO to submit plans to the PBB Board for review and approval. The PBB Board reviews plans at a public hearing at which agency heads or their representative must attend to offer additional explanations if requested. The PBB Board has 45 days after submission to

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Victim Services .................................................................................. 73 Activity 12: Other Grant Programs ..................................................................................................... 77 Activity 13: Program Integrity and Third-Party Liability ........................................................................ 81 Activity 14: Hearings and Appeals ...................................................................................................... 85 Activity 15: Administration ................................................................................................................. 87 Appendix .......................................................................................................................................... 91 Performance-Based Budgeting and Tax Credit Review Schedule ....................................................... 91 Agency Response IFO to submit plans to the PBB Board for review and approval. The PBB Board reviews plans at a public hearing at which agency heads or their representative must attend to offer additional explanations if requested. The PBB Board has 45

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submit plans to the PBB Board for review and approval. The PBB Board reviews plans at a public hearing at which agency heads or their representative must attend to offer additional explanations if requested. The PBB Board has 45 days after submission to approve or

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addition, the Commission issued an open call for interested parties to express their ideas, and conducted a series of public hearings in the autumn of 2012 for that purpose.On behalf of the Commission, I hereby submit the attached report for and the nature and effect of reform efforts undertaken in other jurisdictions. The Commission further conducted a series of public hearings and invited the participation of any person or organization with an interest in this issue and solicited their suggestions for

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IFO to submit plans to the PBB Board for review and approval. The PBB Board reviews plans at a public hearing at which agency heads or their representative must attend to offer additional explanations if requested. The PBB Board has 45 days after submission to

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electricity markets. The report examines recent trends in net generation, net exports, CO2 emissions and prices. ... (Full Report) Senate Budget Hearing Request Economics and Other March 06, 2024 The Independent Fiscal Office (IFO) responded to requests for additional information raised at the office’s budget hearing before the Senate Appropriations Committee. The requests relate to an adjusted financial statement, public assistance savings resulting from a higher

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actual tax liability. 15 See pages 1 and 17 from DOR written responses to FY 2020-21 Budget Hearing Questions, February 28, 2020, Tax and Revenue Proposals | Page 11 543% Total 120,940 100% 2,359 1,821 3,037 29% Source: Pennsylvania Department of Revenue, Budget Hearing Responses, February 28, 2020. Table 1.7 Pennsylvania DOR Estimated Winners/Losers Note: Figures in dollar millions. Combined Reporting (CR) Only and

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electricity from coal refuse. Table 2.2 shows the types of fuel burned at CRER Tax Credit facilities and the heat content of those fuels as measured in MMBtus (million British thermal units). Coal refuse is the primary fuel source for applicant facilities, in all years comprising 98% to 99% of fuel heat content. Coal, tire derived fuel, oil and gas make up minor shares of the non-refuse coal fuel sources. 2016

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submit plans to the PBB Board for review and approval. The PBB Board reviews plans at a public hearing at which agency heads or their representative must attend to offer additional explanations if requested. The PBB Board has 45 days after submission to approve or

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IFO to submit plans to the PBB Board for review and approval. The PBB Board reviews plans at a public hearing at which agency heads or their representative must attend to offer additional explanations if requested. The PBB Board has 45 days after submission to

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IFO to submit plans to the PBB Board for review and approval. The PBB Board reviews plans at a public hearing at which agency heads or their representative must attend to offer additional explanations if requested. The PBB Board has 45 days after submission to

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revenues by 2% to 5%. 13 See pages 15 and 18 of DOR written responses to FY 2020-21 Budget Hearing Questions, Feb. 28, 2020, Corporate Net Income Tax 1,439 543 Total 120,940 100 2,359 1,821 3,037 29 Source: Pennsylvania Department of Revenue, Budget Hearing Responses, February 28, 2020. Table 1.4 Pennsylvania DOR Estimated Winners/Losers CNIT Liabilities Note: Amounts in dollar millions. Combined

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IFO to submit plans to the PBB Board for review and approval. The PBB Board reviews plans at a public hearing at which agency heads or their representative must attend to offer additional explanations if requested. The PBB Board has 45 days after submission to

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PBB Board Hearing Agenda- January 2019.pdf

717) 787-1349 Phone John Guyer, Executive Director Tom Horan, Assistant Executive Director Performance-Based Budget Board Hearings Tuesday, January 22, 2019 Hearing Room 1, North Office Building 401 North Street, Harrisburg, PA 10:00am - 10:05am Call to Order/Opening Remarks Secretary

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REHP Aging Agriculture Attorney General Auditor General Banking Civil Service Commission Community & Economic Development Conservation & Natural Resources Corrections Education Environmental Hearing Board Environmental Protection Executive Offices Fish and Boat Commission Game Commission General Services Governor's Office Health Health Care Cost MHMO plan. In some cases, the MHMO plan may provide additional benefits, including immunizations, routine dental and vision care, and hearing aids. As an incentive for reducing the Commonwealth’s retiree health coverage costs, retirees with Commonwealth-subsidized health insurance receive

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IFO to submit plans to the PBB Board for review and approval. The PBB Board reviews plans at a public hearing at which agency heads or their representative must attend to offer additional explanations if requested. The PBB Board has 45 days after submission to

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IFO to submit plans to the PBB Board for review and approval. The PBB Board reviews plans at a public hearing at which agency heads or their representative must attend to offer additional explanations if requested. The PBB Board has 45 days after submission to

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submit plans to the PBB Board for review and approval. The PBB Board reviews plans at a public hearing at which agency heads or their representative must attend to offer additional explanations if requested. The PBB Board has 45 days after submission to approve or

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submit plans to the PBB Board for review and approval. The PBB Board reviews plans at a public hearing at which agency heads or their representative must attend to offer additional explanations if requested. The PBB Board has 45 days after submission to approve or

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of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees: Thank you for the opportunity to submit materials in advance of the budget hearing for the Independent Fiscal Office (IFO). The 2018-2019 Governor’s Executive Budget proposes an appropriation of $2.226 million the office, the same amount appropriated for the current year. In addition to questions about the IFO’s budget, past hearings have included wide-ranging discussions regarding Pennsylvania’s economic outlook, labor market, revenue collections, demographics, long-term fiscal outlook and

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Single-Use Plastics Report-2020_06.pdf

feedstock is removed from the natural gas stream and then transported to a cracker plant, where it is heated and “cracked” into ethylene. This ethylene is then converted to usable products, the most common of which is polyeth- ylene. 66 This This product is commonly known under the trademarked brand “Styrofoam.” EPS foam food products are sturdier and more heat-resistant than paper and plastic alternatives, and do not lose their shape when holding hot beverages or food products. It is a

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Dear Chairman Browne: This letter and the attached tables respond to requests for additional information raised at the recent budget hearing for the Independent Fiscal Office (IFO). Senator Schwank asked about job loss due to the COVID-19 pandemic by gender in the education sector and the impact of immigration on the state economy. Page 9 of the IFO’s budget hearings packet contains total net domestic migration trends by state from the U.S. Census Bureau from 2011 through 2019. As

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IFO to submit plans to the PBB Board for review and approval. The PBB Board reviews plans at a public hearing at which agency heads or their representative must attend to offer additional explanations if requested. The PBB Board has 45 days after submission to

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submit plans to the PBB Board for review and approval. The PBB Board reviews plans at a public hearing at which agency heads or their representative must attend to offer additional explanations if requested. The PBB Board has 45 days after submission to approve or

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Performance-Based Budget Board Hearings Tuesday, January 22, 2019 Wednesday, January 23, 2019 Thursday, January 24, 2019 10:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. Schedule Change: 10:00 A.M. - 11:30 A.M. Hearing Room 1- NOB meetings rescheduled Hearing Room 1- NOB Department of Corrections Tax Credit Reviews: Pennsylvania Board of Probation and

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PBB-Board-Hearing-Agenda-January 2019-Revised.pdf

717) 787-1349 Phone John Guyer, Executive Director Tom Horan, Assistant Executive Director Performance-Based Budget Board Hearings Tuesday, January 22, 2019 Hearing Room 1, North Office Building 401 North Street, Harrisburg, PA 10:00am - 10:05am Call to Order/Opening Remarks Secretary

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Budget Hearings Packet.pdf

of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees: Thank you for the opportunity to submit materials in advance of the budget hearing for the Independent Fiscal Office (IFO). The 2017-2018 Governor’s Executive Budget proposed an appropriation of $2.076 million the office, the same amount appropriated for the current year. In addition to questions about the IFO’s budget, past hearings have included wide-ranging discussions regarding Pennsylvania’s economic and consumer outlook, labor market, revenue collections, demographics, long-term fiscal

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Budget Hearings Packet- Web Version.pdf

of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees: Thank you for the opportunity to submit materials in advance of the budget hearing for the Independent Fiscal Office (IFO). The 2017-2018 Governor’s Executive Budget proposed an appropriation of $2.076 million the office, the same amount appropriated for the current year. In addition to questions about the IFO’s budget, past hearings have included wide-ranging discussions regarding Pennsylvania’s economic and consumer outlook, labor market, revenue collections, demographics, long-term fiscal

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2020 PBB Agenda.pdf

Performance‐Based Budget Board Hearings Wednesday, January 22, 2020 Hearing Room 1, North Office Building 401 North Street, Harrisburg, PA 9:30 am – 9:35 am Call to Order/Opening

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Building Harrisburg, PA 17120 Dear Chairman Martin: This letter responds to requests for additional information raised at the recent budget hearing for the Independent Fiscal Office (IFO). Chairman Martin requested an adjusted financial statement to reflect: (1) Department of Human Services computation. In the adjusted financial statement (next page), the main Expenditures line represents the amount displayed in the IFO budget hearings packet, which uses FY 24-25 spending from the Executive Budget and out-year growth rates from the IFO’s

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Cap assumes no dependents are included. For CARES and CAAEIPs, dependents would increase cap value. There are separate thresholds for Head-of-Household filers which fall between the two categories listed in this table. Independent Fiscal Office Page 3 In the filers who have incomes capped by filing status ($75,000 for individuals; $150,000 for joint filers; $112,500 for heads of households), and phase out at a rate of $50 for every $1,000 of income in excess of the

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IFO to submit plans to the PBB Board for review and approval. The PBB Board reviews plans at a public hearing at which agency heads or their representative must attend to offer additional explanations if requested. The PBB Board has 45 days after submission to

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IFO to submit plans to the PBB Board for review and approval. The PBB Board reviews plans at a public hearing at which agency heads or their representative must attend to offer additional explanations if requested. The PBB Board has 45 days after submission to

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IFO to submit plans to the PBB Board for review and approval. The PBB Board reviews plans at a public hearing at which agency heads or their representative must attend to offer additional explanations if requested. The PBB Board has 45 days after submission to

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submit plans to the PBB Board for review and approval. The PBB Board reviews plans at a public hearing at which agency heads or their representative must attend to offer additional explanations if requested. The PBB Board has 45 days after submission to approve or

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submit plans to the PBB Board for review and approval. The PBB Board reviews plans at a public hearing at which agency heads or their representative must attend to offer additional explanations if requested. The PBB Board has 45 days after submission to approve or

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submit plans to the PBB Board for review and approval. The PBB Board reviews plans at a public hearing at which agency heads or their representative must attend to offer additional explanations if requested. The PBB Board has 45 days after submission to approve or

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submit plans to the PBB Board for review and approval. The PBB Board reviews plans at a public hearing at which agency heads or their representative must attend to offer additional explanations if requested. The PBB Board has 45 days after submission to approve or

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1 Testimony on RGGI Modeling Assumptions Joint Hearing of the Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee and Community, Economic and Recreational Development Committee March 29, 2022 Matthew Knittel the latest model. • A May 2021 presentation by DEP computed higher monthly residential electricity bills of $1.17 (no electric heat) to $1.65 (electric heat) for 2022. Assuming the same methodology, the higher auction proceeds should raise the computed increase

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Hearing on Impact of Minimum Wage Increase in Pennsylvania House Commerce Committee February 16, 2021 Matthew Knittel | Director | Independent Fiscal Office Good morning Chairman Roae, Chairman Galloway and members of the committee. I appreciate the opportunity to submit material for this hearing. This submission includes five tables that are also included in the hearings packet transmitted by the IFO to the House

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of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees: Thank you for the opportunity to submit materials in advance of the budget hearing for the Independent Fiscal Office (IFO). The 2019-2020 Governor’s Executive Budget proposes an appropriation of $2.293 million the office, the same amount appropriated for the current year. In addition to questions about the IFO’s budget, past hearings have included discussions regarding Pennsylvania’s economic outlook, labor market, revenue collections, demographics, long-term fiscal outlook and energy industry

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and Members of the Senate Appropriations Committee: Thank you for the opportunity to submit materials in advance of the budget hearing for the Independent Fiscal Office (IFO). The 2023-2024 Governor’s Executive Budget proposes an appropriation of $2.34 million the office, the same amount appropriated for the current year. In addition to questions about the IFO’s budget, past hearings have included discussions regarding Pennsylvania’s economic outlook, labor market, revenue collections, demographics, long-term fiscal outlook and natural gas

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and Members of the Senate Appropriations Committee: Thank you for the opportunity to submit materials in advance of the budget hearing for the Independent Fiscal Office (IFO). The 2022-2023 Governor’s Executive Budget proposes an appropriation of $2.34 million the office, the same amount appropriated for the current year. In addition to questions about the IFO’s budget, past hearings have included discussions regarding Pennsylvania’s economic outlook, labor market, revenue collections, demographics, long-term fiscal outlook and natural gas

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House Appropriation Response Letter 2-28-2020.pdf

Building Harrisburg, PA 17120 Dear Chairman Saylor: This letter responds to requests for additional information raised at the recent budget hearing for the Independent Fiscal Office (IFO). Representative Grove requested an estimated breakdown of the IFO reviewed wage contracts by department Brief and will be released as a stand-alone report later this spring. As indicated during the IFO’s budget hearing, the office plans to release an analysis of the Executive Budget proposals in late March and will be available for

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and Members of the Senate Appropriations Committee: Thank you for the opportunity to submit materials in advance of the budget hearing for the Independent Fiscal Office (IFO). The 2021-2022 Governor’s Executive Budget proposes an appropriation of $2.34 million the office, the same amount appropriated for the current year. In addition to questions about the IFO’s budget, past hearings have included discussions regarding Pennsylvania’s economic outlook, labor market, revenue collections, demographics, long-term fiscal outlook and natural gas

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of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees: Thank you for the opportunity to submit materials in advance of the budget hearing for the Independent Fiscal Office (IFO). The 2020-2021 Governor’s Executive Budget proposes an appropriation of $2.34 million the office, the same amount appropriated for the current year. In addition to questions about the IFO’s budget, past hearings have included wide-ranging discussions regarding Pennsylvania’s economic outlook, labor market, revenue collections, demographics, long-term fiscal outlook and

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Alabama (RSA) 135 South Union Street P.O. Box 2150 Montgomery, AL 36130-2150 (334) 241-0675 Exposure Levels Companies held by RSA with Ties to Terrorist- Sponsoring States: 133 Amount Invested $2,418,088,117.26 Companies held by RSA TOOL” Wall Street Journal July 22, 2007 - 355 - - 356 - - 357 - - 358 - APPENDIX XI FEDERAL LEGISLATION H. R. 2347 H. R. 180 - 359 - - 360 - IIB 110TH CONGRESS 1ST SESSION H. R. 2347 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES AUGUST 1, 2007

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Senate Budget Hearing Request.pdf

Dear Chairman Browne: This letter responds to a request for additional information raised by Senator Vulakovich at the recent budget hearing for the Independent Fiscal Office (IFO). Specifically, Senator Vulakovich inquired about the treatment of corporate net operating losses (NOLs) in NOLs for each state are enclosed. (Please refer to Tables A and B). As indicated during the IFO’s budget hearing, our office plans to release an analysis of the Executive Budget proposals in late March and will be available for

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Senate Appropriations Response Letter 3-6-2020.pdf

Dear Chairman Browne: This letter and the attached tables respond to requests for additional information raised at the recent budget hearing for the Independent Fiscal Office (IFO). Senator Hughes noted the recent increase in home mortgage refinances and requested information on Table 5 for an overview of the states offering each type of program. As indicated during the IFO’s budget hearing, the office plans to release an analysis of the Executive Budget proposals in late March and will be available for

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of our analysis as background for Committee members in preparation for the Department of Human Services House Appropriations Committee budget hearing scheduled on March 4, 2020. To the extent that a more comprehensive analysis is needed, we will transmit any additional information within four weeks of the conclusion of the Fiscal Year 2020-21 budget hearings. If this schedule changes, we will contact your office. Child Welfare Program Funding in Pennsylvania For state fiscal year (SFY

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RB_2022_01 COVID-19 Impact on Deaths.pdf

4.4%). The removal of these five categories yields “residual” deaths, which are due to various medical ailments such as heart disease, organ failure, cancer and COVID-19. For 2017 to 2019, residual deaths ranged from roughly 118,200 to 119 from Table 1 is higher than CDC COVID-19 deaths (+1,843) because the pandemic likely caused other deaths from heart attacks, strokes and other medical conditions that would have been detected and treated in normal years, but were not due

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RB_2021_03 COVID-19 Impact on Deaths.pdf

Page 2 The removal of these five categories yields “residual” deaths, which are due to various medical ailments such as heart disease, organ failure, cancer and COVID-19. For 2017 to 2019, residual deaths ranged from roughly 118,200 to 119 1 is higher in 2020 than CDC COVID-19 deaths (+2,828) because the pandemic likely caused other deaths from heart attacks, strokes and other medical conditions that would have been detected and treated in normal years, but were not due

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and Ahu Yildirmaz, “An Evaluation of the Paycheck Protection Program Using Administrative Payroll Microdata,” MIT Working Paper (July 2020). 9 Hearing on Preventing Fraud and Abuse of Paycheck Protection Program, House Small Business Subcommittee, October 1, 2020. 10 See https://www 27, the IRS stated that if firms know the amount of expenses that qualify but either (1) have not yet heard back from the lender regarding the status of the application or (2) have not applied by the end of the

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website.  PBB Board schedules and conducts public meetings to review and approve PBB plans for Year 1 agencies. Agency heads or designee participate in public meetings. Approved plans are published on IFO website.  Governor’s 2019-20 Budget is submitted to General Assembly.  Budget hearings for 2019-20 begin. 12 October 15, 2018 PBB Plan Content  Organized by agency, then by activity: 6 agencies

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IFO to submit plans to the PBB Board for review and approval. The PBB Board reviews plans at a public hearing at which agency heads or their representative must attend to offer additional explanations if requested. The PBB Board has 45 days after submission to

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IFO to submit plans to the PBB Board for review and approval. The PBB Board reviews plans at a public hearing at which agency heads or their representative must attend to offer additional explanations if requested. The PBB Board has 45 days after submission to

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IFO to submit plans to the PBB Board for review and approval. The PBB Board reviews plans at a public hearing at which agency heads or their representative must attend to offer additional explanations if requested. The PBB Board has 45 days after submission to

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submit plans to the PBB Board for review and approval. The PBB Board reviews plans at a public hearing at which agency heads or their representative must attend to offer additional explanations if requested. The PBB Board has 45 days after submission to approve or

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submit plans to the PBB Board for review and approval. The PBB Board reviews plans at a public hearing at which agency heads or their representative must attend to offer additional explanations if requested. The PBB Board has 45 days after submission to approve or

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Average price both declined significantly. The decline was largely due to mild winter weather which constrained the typical demand for heating and led to increased natural gas inventory throughout the country. There is typically a draw-down of inventories during the winter months to fulfill heating demand. Figure 4 displays trends in the same prices over the last 21 quarters including preliminary data for the first

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year’s severe winter caused an unusual depletion of underground storage of natural gas, which is the primary fuel for heating in Pennsylvania. During the spring and summer, drillers produced at record vol‐ umes and have replenished that storage to near Additionally, the U.S. Energy Infor‐ mation Administration predicts that this year’s mild‐ er winter should require less residential heating, which will contribute to lower total utility bills. October 2014 Sources: Bentek Energy, U.S. Energy Informa Ÿon Administra Ÿon

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calculation that were not part of the original submission, along with new text, (2) alters certain table titles, sub-section headings and labels and (3) introduces grammatical and typographical errors that were not part of the original submission. The newly created 2017. The IFO’s original submission has been posted to the IFO website. Pages 64 and 68 Original sub-section headings were changed without consultation. Page 72 Table 12 was altered in three respects relative to the original submission. First, the

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Energy and the U.S. Energy Information Administration. 1 Weighted average spot price converted to dollars per Mcf using Pennsylvania heat content, net of post- production costs. 2 Market value at the wellhead in thousands of dollars. Does not include natural annual ETRs.) 3. Prices are from Bentek Energy, and are converted to dollars per thousand cubic feet using Pennsylvania-specific heat content. 4. Post-production cost estimates for wet and dry wells are informed by investor presentations for several regional producers

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Energy and the U.S. Energy Information Administration. 1 Weighted average spot price converted to dollars per Mcf using Pennsylvania heat content, net of post- production costs. 2 Market value at the wellhead. Does not include natural gas liquids (NGLs). INDEPENDENT annual ETRs.) 3. Prices are from Bentek Energy, and are converted to dollars per thousand cubic feet using Pennsylvania-specific heat content. 4. Post-production cost estimates for wet and dry wells are informed by investor presentations for several regional producers

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Energy and the U.S. Energy Information Administration. 1 Weighted average spot price converted to dollars per Mcf using Pennsylvania heat content, net of post- production costs. 2 Market value at the wellhead. Does not include natural gas liquids (NGLs). Independent annual ETRs.) 4. Prices are from Bentek Energy, and are converted to dollars per thousand cubic feet using Pennsylvania-specific heat content. 5. Post-production cost estimates for wet and dry wells are informed by investor presentations for several regional producers

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and the U.S. En- ergy Information Administration. 1 Weighted average spot price converted to dollars per Mcf using Pennsylvania heat content, net of post-production costs. 2 Market value at the wellhead. Does not include natural gas liquids (NGLs). Independent annual ETRs.) 3. Prices are from Bentek Energy, and are converted to dollars per thousand cubic feet using Pennsylvania-specific heat content. 4. Post-production cost estimates for wet and dry wells are informed by a Range Resources investor presentation. 5

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and the U.S. En‐ ergy Information Administration. 1 Weighted average spot price converted to dollars per Mcf using Pennsylvania heat content, net of post‐production costs. 2 Market value at the wellhead. Does not include natural gas liquids (NGLs). For ETR.) 3. Prices are from Bentek Energy, and are converted to dollars per thousand cubic feet using Pennsylvania‐speci Ðic heat content. It should be noted that many producers hedge prices for a large share of their production (e.g., swaps

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Budget Hearing for the Independent Fiscal Office House and Senate Appropriations Committees February 20, 2018 Good morning/afternoon Chairmen and members of opportunity to testify before you today. To provide some context for the packet that has been submitted for this budget hearing, I would like to briefly discuss recent economic and revenue trends, as well the potential impact of the federal Tax

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House State Government Committee Informational Hearing: Independent Fiscal Office August 30, 2017 Opening Remarks by Director Matthew Knittel Good morning Mr. Chairman and Members of the appreciate the opportunity to discuss the operations, duties and recent publications of the Independent Fiscal Office (IFO) at this informational hearing. The IFO was created by Act 120 of 2010 to provide revenue projections and other budget and economic analysis to

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IFO - Economic and Budget Outlook - January 2012.pdf

from tax include food purchases (not ready-to-eat), most clothing, candy, textbooks, prescription and non- prescription drugs, and residential heating fuels. Most services are also exempt from tax. 11 Research suggests that up to 40 percent of the sales tax include General Government, the Public Library Subsidy, Career and Technical Education, Adult and Family Literacy and Pre-K Counts and Head Start Supplemental Assistance. Those expenditures are extrapolated from the base year using the Pennsylvania CPI and a general demographic growth

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House Budget Hearing Request.pdf

Building Harrisburg, PA 17120 Dear Chairman Saylor: This letter responds to requests for additional information raised at the recent budget hearing for the Independent Fiscal Office (IFO). Representative Dunbar asked about the number of states that currently use incremental budgeting. According States, Pennsylvania and surrounding states for the years 2012 through 2014 (latest available). As indicated during the IFO’s budget hearing, the office plans to release an analysis of the Executive Budget proposals in late March and will be available for

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HAC testimony Feb 2019.pdf

Budget Hearing for the Independent Fiscal Office House Appropriations Committee February 11, 2019 Good morning Chairmen and members of the committee. I opportunity to testify before you today. To provide some context for the packet that has been submitted for this budget hearing, I would like to discuss recent economic and revenue trends. I would also like to make some brief comments regarding

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852 5.3% 1.8% Total $12,289 $15,713 $17,887 5.0% 2.6% 3 Includes Early Intervention, Head Start Supplemental Assist. and Pre-K Counts. Table 5.5 General Fund Pre-K to 12 Education Expenditures Avg. Ann due to some funds being spent on private school students and preschool students (not paid for by Pre-K Counts, Head Start or Early Intervention funds). Note: Table focuses on K to 12 instead of the typical Pre-K to 12

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11) The IROP participant is eligible for all benefits payable by the employer as a condition of employment (workers compensation, heart-lung act, insurance policy death benefits, etc.) other than those that are pension- related. - 12 - RECOMMENDATION NO. 4 (CONT’D limited to, benefits under the act 10 of June 28, 1935 (P.L. 477, No. 193), referred to as the Heart and Lung Act, the 11 act of December 5, 1936 (1937 P.L. 2897, No. 1), known as the Unemployment

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8,435 2011-12 20,208 5,916 1,120 3,491 651 437 323 8,533 Explanation of Column Headings: Entrants – New Members Enrolled During the Year Superannuation – Members retiring from active service at superannuation age during the year; included 198 1,804 0 2012 7,736 3,880 1,252 234 368 198 1,804 0 Explanation of Column Headings: Entrants – New Members enrolled during the year. Superannuation – Members who retired from active service at normal retirement age (age 50

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System (PSERS) into compliance with the following Federal laws: 1) the Heroes Earnings Assistance and Relief Tax Act of 2008 ("HEART Act"); 2) the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 ("USERRA"); and 3) Internal Revenue Code Section 414 bring SERS into compliance with the following Federal laws: 1) the Heroes Earnings Assistance and Relief Tax Act of 2008 (HEART Act); 2) the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA); and 3) Internal Revenue Code Section 414

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in concert tour equipment from companies in Pennsylvania and have the equipment delivered to a location in Pennsylvania, (2) re- hearse at a qualified rehearsal facility for a minimum of 10 days and (3) perform at least one concert at a

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structures are very different between school districts. Districts are restricted from reducing salaries without consent of employee or right to hearing. $31.4 million cost (12% increase) to standardize salaries across a consolidated district based on education and experience. 16

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and economy while writing legislation. 2) Regular convening with members, federal agencies and support committees Where is the United States Headed? More Debt Penn Wharton Budget Model 3 Debt has a Snowball Effect on GDP Penn Wharton Budget Model 4 Example

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PA 17120 Dear Chairman Martin: This letter and attachments respond to requests for additional information raised at the recent budget hearing for the Independent Fiscal Office (IFO). Senator Santarsiero requested demographic data that shows net migration by county. The U.S

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Dear Chairman Browne: This letter and the attached table respond to requests for additional information raised at the recent budget hearing for the Independent Fiscal Office (IFO). Senator Browne requested an update of the IFO’s five-year projections of General

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Security Administration. Rebate amounts and phase-out thresholds are as follows: single ($1,200 rebate, $75,000 phase-out begins), head of household ($1,200 and $112,500) and married filing jointly ($2,400 and $150,000). The $10.4 billion

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Payment amounts and phase-out thresholds are as follows: single ($1,200 rebate, $75,000 phase-out begins), head of household ($1,200 and $112,500) and married filing jointly ($2,400 and $150,000). Each qualified dependent under age 17

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4 State Income Tax Treatment of Retirement Income Note: Reflects Tax Year 2019 maximum allowable deductions for single filer or head of household aged 65 or older. N.A. represents states that have no personal income tax on wages. Where applicable

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5 State Income Tax Treatment of Retirement Income Note: Reflects tax year 2021 maximum allowable deductions for single filer or head of household aged 65 or older. States that have no personal income tax on wages are denoted as n.a

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FY in dollar millions. SSBG is Social Services Block Grant. Other includes School Age, COVID-SFR Child Care Stabilization and Head Start Collaboration Project. 1 FY 2023-24 includes a recommended $14.7 million supplemental appropriation, 2024-25 Governor's Executive

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County residents and businesses remitted 1.51% of their income in property taxes, the lowest rate in the state. The heat map on page 3 displays total property tax burden by county. There are several notable geographic trends, including: • All counties

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trading hubs for the calendar year, converted to dollars per thousand cubic feet ($2.70 for 2018) using Pennsylvania-specific heat content, net of post-production costs ($0.80). Prices are from BENTEK Energy. Post-production cost estimates are based on

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3%). • Jefferson County residents paid 1.7% of their income on property taxes, the lowest rate in the state. The heat map on page 3 displays total property tax burden by county. There are several notable geographic trends, including: • All counties

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3 Aging PA Historical & Museum Commission Agriculture Labor and Industry 5 Drug and Alcohol Programs Insurance Revenue Executive Offices Environmental Hearing Board Conservation and Natural Resources Year Tax Credits 1 Film Production New Jobs Historic Preservation Incentive 2 Research and Development

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week ▪ Activity 10 – Administration and Support: (1) Civilian staff turnover rate and (2) Percentage of overtime costs for training and hearings and trials September 28, 2021 2 Keystone Special Development Zones (KSDZ) Incentivizes private investment in former industrial sites ▪ $2,100

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the Resource Enhancement and Protection Program (REAP) Tax Credits as requested as follow-up during the Performance-Based Budget Board hearing on April 26, 2021. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Matthew Knittel Director, Independent

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below pre-pandemic levels ▪ Pre-K Counts: 25.1K students (FY 18-19) and 21.7K students (FY 21-22) ▪ Head Start Supplemental: 7.2K (FY 18-19) and 4.3K (FY 21-22) Goal: 60% of residents age 25 to

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below pre-pandemic levels ▪ Pre-K Counts: 25.1K students (FY 18-19) and 21.7K students (FY 21-22) ▪ Head Start Supplemental: 7.2K (FY 18-19) and 4.3K (FY 21-22) Goal: 60% of residents age 25 to

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Integrity and Third-Party Liability 167 17.9% 19 0.1% Community HealthChoices 108 11.6% 10,959 75.4% Hearings and Appeals 99 10.6% 14 0.1% Child Care Works 78 8.4% 917 6.3% CHIP 28 3

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2022 Performance-Based Budget Board Hearing for the Dept. of Education Motion to Amend and Resubmit At this time, pursuant to Section 7(c)(4) of

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eat food is not exempt), most footwear and clothing, textbooks, prescription and non-prescription drugs, sales for resale and residential heating fuels. All government and non-profit purchases are also exempt. Methodology The sales and use tax model is a quarterly

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eat food is not exempt), most footwear and clothing, textbooks, prescription and non-prescription drugs, sales for resale and residential heating fuels. All government and non-profit purchases are also exempt. Methodology The sales and use tax model is a quarterly

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eat food is not exempt), most footwear and clothing, textbooks, prescription and non-prescription drugs, sales for resale and residential heating fuels. All government and non-profit purchases are also exempt. Methodology The sales and use tax model is a quarterly

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eat food is not exempt), most footwear and clothing, textbooks, prescription and non-prescription drugs, sales for resale and residential heating fuels. All government and non-profit purchases are also exempt. Methodology The sales and use tax model is a quarterly

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is not exempt), most footwear and clothing, textbooks, prescription and non-prescription drugs, sales for resale and residential heating fuels. All government and non-profit purchases are also exempt. Methodology The sales and use tax model is a quarterly cash flow

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is not exempt), most footwear and clothing, textbooks, prescription and non-prescription drugs, sales for resale and residential heating fuels. All government and non-profit purchases are also exempt. Methodology The sales and use tax model is a quarterly cash flow

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Payment amounts and phase-out thresholds are as follows: single ($1,200 rebate, $75,000 phase-out begins), head of household ($1,200 and $112,500) and married filing jointly ($2,400 and $150,000). Each qualified dependent under age 17

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72.9%) over the next three quarters. The decline was largely due to mild winter weather, which limited demand for heating and increased natural gas inventory throughout the country. Data for July and August show prices remained well below historical averages

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66.5%) over the next two quarters. The decline was largely due to mild winter weather, which limited demand for heating and increased natural gas inventory throughout the country. The price shown for 2023 Q2 is a projection based on April

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will decline for the first time since 2009, largely due to mild weather in early 2020, which reduced demand for heating. Staff Acknowledgements This report was produced by Jesse Bushman and Rachel Flaugh. Questions regarding this report can be directed to

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trading hubs for the calendar year, converted to dollars per thousand cubic feet ($2.20 for 2017) using Pennsylvania-specific heat content, net of post-production costs ($0.80). Prices are from BENTEK Energy. Post-production cost estimates are based on

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trading hubs for the calendar year, converted to dollars per thousand cubic feet ($1.56 for 2016) using Pennsylvania-specific heat content, net of post-production costs ($0.87). Prices are from BENTEK Energy. Post-production cost estimates are based on

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price for the calendar year, converted to dollars per thousand cubic feet ($1.56 for 2015) using Pennsylvania‐ speci Ðic heat content, net of post‐production costs ($0.82). Prices are from BENTEK Energy. Post‐production cost estimates are based on

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report by Harvard University’s Joint Center for Housing Studies finds that between 2012 and 2017 the number of households headed by someone age 65+ jumped from 27 million to 31 million. Nearly 10 million of those households are considered “cost-

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this phenomenon, as EIA data reveal that roughly one-fifth of PA households use electricity as their primary source of heat. 2 Decreased demand has likely applied downward pressure on recent prices. Average retail prices in the first six months of

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the next several months, this economic update will use state labor market data to assess whether the Pennsylvania economy is heading towards recession. Labor market data are useful because they are leading economic indicators published on a regular and timely basis

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data visualizations  Conducting outreach Ten Ways CBO Is Transparent 4 CBO CBO’s staff members often testify at Congressional hearings about the agency’s work. CBO also provides public answers to questions from Members of Congress— about the agency’s

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ETRs.) 2. Prices are from Natural Gas Intelligence and are converted to dollars per thousand cubic feet using Pennsylvania-specific heat content. The analysis disregards hedging contracts and assumes that the average spot price is representative of prices received by producers

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annual ETRs.) 2. Prices are from Bentek Energy and are converted to dollars per thousand cubic feet using Pennsylvania- specific heat content. The analysis disregards hedging contracts and assumes that the average spot price is representative of prices received by producers

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annual ETRs.) 2. Prices are from Bentek Energy and are converted to dollars per thousand cubic feet using Pennsylvania- specific heat content. The analysis disregards hedging contracts and assumes that the average spot price is representative of prices received by producers

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trading hubs for the calendar year, converted to dollars per thousand cubic feet ($2.22 for 2019) using Pennsylvania-specific heat content, net of post-production costs ($0.80). Prices are from Bentek Energy. Post-production costs are estimated by the

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1 Inflation’s Impact on the Pennsylvania Economy, Budget and Pensions House Majority Policy Committee Hearing on Inflation June 8, 2022 Matthew Knittel, Director, Independent Fiscal Office Good morning committee members. For my testimony, I will

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Chairman Saylor: This letter and the attached table respond to a request for additional information raised at the recent budget hearing for the Independent Fiscal Office. Representative Bullock requested data on job loss and recovery by race. The U.S. Census

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GPNP July 10, 2012 final.pdf

FY 2012-13 10.Jul.2012 21 2012 GPNP Conference Summary  It appears that economic growth has downshifted again heading into summer.  A combination of factors are responsible: 1. A warm weather “pull forward” of economic activity into February

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Credit Reviews Statute: Did the tax credits accomplish their legislative intent? ▪ Submit reviews to Performance-Based Budget Board ▪ Annual legislative hearing | Administrating agency included ▪ Reports available on the IFO website Key Points ▪ Goals and purposes must be established ▪ Include a comparison

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29 percent during CY 2020 due to reduced demand resulting from mild weather in the winter, which reduced demand for heating. That decline was somewhat offset by the impact of COVID-19 mitigation efforts, which increased residential demand for indoor air

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Dear Chairman Grove: This letter and the attached tables respond to requests for additional information raised at the recent roundtable hearing on January 24, 2023. Representative Kutz requested information regarding consumer debt by income level as it overlaps with first-time

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Chairman Saylor requested that the IFO submit a completed version of the report for the purpose of the DOC budget hearings. Based on that request, the office submits the attached report. The department has reviewed the data contained in the report

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to decline as medical advances improve life expec- tancies. For Pennsylvania, the two leading causes of death are heart disease and cancer, and the rates for both causes have declined in recent years. 7 Table 3.3 shows a significant reduction

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8% of their income on property taxes, the lowest rate in the state. The figure on page 3 displays a heat map of total property tax burden by county. There are several notable geographic trends, including:  All counties in the

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Dear Chairman Grove: This letter and the embedded tables respond to requests for additional information raised at the recent roundtable hearing on January 31, 2024. Representative Kutz asked if there are additional data on housing ownership and wealth impacts by age

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price for the calendar year, converted to dollars per thousand cubic feet ($1.56 for 2015) using Pennsylvania‐ speci Ðic heat content, net of post‐production costs ($0.82). Prices are from BENTEK Energy. Post‐production cost estimates are based on

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Phillips-Hill and Sturla: This letter responds to questions raised at the December 14, 2023, Basic Education Funding Commission (BEFC) hearing regarding the 2023 BEFC Survey conducted by the Independent Fiscal Office (IFO). Representative Sturla asked for a list of outliers

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Teachers 7/1/2023 6/30/2027 12/14/2023 0 0 0 1 2 PSSU PA Social Services Union, Hearing Officers SEIU ​Service Employees International Union, Local 668 7/1/2023 6/30/2027 9/19/2023 65 116 159

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prices from the U.S Energy Information Administration. Prices are converted to dollars per thousand cubic feet using Pennsylvania-specific heat content. 4. Post-production cost estimates are informed by investor presentations for several regional producers. Data Sources ▪ Statewide production data

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for 2022. 4. Prices are from Bentek Energy and are converted to dollars per thousand cubic feet using Pennsylvania- specific heat content. 5. Post-production cost estimates are informed by investor presentations for several regional producers. Data Sources • Statewide production data

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12 months. 4. Prices are from Bentek Energy and are converted to dollars per thousand cubic feet using Pennsylvania- specific heat content. 5. Post-production cost estimates are informed by investor presentations for several regional producers. Data Sources • Statewide production data

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by producers. 3. Prices are from Bentek Energy, and are converted to dollars per thousand cubic feet using Pennsylvania-specific heat content. 4. Post-production cost estimates for wet and dry wells are informed by investor presentations for several regional producers

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30/2023 7/2/2020 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.9 PSSU Pennsylvania Social Services Union, Hearing Officers SEIU ​Service Employees International Union, Local 668 7/1/2019 6/30/2023 8/12/2019 25.6 56

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