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Your search for ksdz returned 7 results.
NAP, REAP, EEEP, VGP and KSDZ Tax Credit Reviews

IFO presentation of the Neighborhood Assistance Program, Resource Enhancement and Protection Program, Entertainment Economic Enhancement Program, Video Game Production and Keystone Special Development Zone Tax Credit Reviews.

Tags: credit, eeep, ksdz, nap, reap, review, tax, vgp

PBB Addendums and Updated ksdz Tax Credit Report Presentation

The IFO presented the PBB Addendums and revised ksdz Tax Credit report to the Performance Based Budget Board.


NAP, REAP, EEEP, VGP and ksdz Tax Credit Reviews

IFO presentation of the Neighborhood Assistance Program, Resource Enhancement and Protection Program, Entertainment Economic Enhancement Program, Video Game Production and Keystone Special Development Zone Tax Credit Reviews.



to the public on the IFO website. This report contains the tax credit review for the Keystone Special Development Zone (KSDZ) Tax Credit. The IFO reviewed relevant research related to economic incentives for brownfield remediation and rede- velopment, held discussions with research brief in April 2021. Since that release, the IFO was notified of a new recipient (two total) of the KSDZ Tax Credit. As a result, this analysis has been updated to include historical data, an economic impact analysis and revised

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industrial and commercial sites. Findings ▪ Only two Special Industrial Area (SIA) sites have been designated as Keystone Special Development Zones (KSDZs). ▪ Only two of the six firms located within the KSDZs have applied for tax credits. It is unclear why the remaining four firms have not applied. ▪ To be self-financed

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and (2) Percentage of overtime costs for training and hearings and trials September 28, 2021 2 Keystone Special Development Zones (KSDZ) Incentivizes private investment in former industrial sites ▪ $2,100 credit per new FTE in zone | July 1, 2012 - June 30 for 5 years ▪ No aggregate program dollar cap or per firm cap | $4.3 million in credits (2020) ▪ 2 designated KSDZs | Aliquippa and Bethlehem (2 firms participate, 6 in zone) ▪ Program data (2020): 2,049 direct jobs, $102 million wages, avg

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agricultural operations ▪ EEEP – increases economic activity in the live entertainment sector ▪ VGP – encourages expansion of the video game production industry ▪ KSDZ – redevelopment of former industrial sites Many positive outcomes cannot be easily measured ▪ Social impacts (i.e., positive externalities or spillovers viable ▪ Grant or refundable credit may provide needed capital for start-ups April 26, 2021 11 Keystone Special Development Zones (KSDZ) Incentivizes private investment in former industrial sites ▪ $2,100 per FTE employed in zone | July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2035

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