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Your search for minimum returned 138 results.
Minimum Wage Impact on Hourly Wages

This research brief examines how a higher statutory minimum wage could impact lower-wage workers and provides employment and hourly wage estimates for certain lower-wage occupations to illustrate that Pennsylvania effective labor market minimum wage is likely in the range of $10.50 to $11.00 per hour.

Tags: brief, minimum, research, wage

Testimony on Minimum Wage

Director Matt Knittel made a brief presentation to the House Commerce Committee on the proposal to raise the minimum wage. The hearing was originally scheduled for February 16, 2021 but was rescheduled to March 11, 2021.

Tags: minimum, wage

Senate Budget Hearing Request

The Independent Fiscal Office (IFO) responded to requests for additional information raised at the office’s budget hearing before the Senate Appropriations Committee. The requests relate to an adjusted financial statement, public assistance savings resulting from a higher minimum wage, impact of the Ohio rate structure on Pennsylvania tax liability, net migration for Pennsylvania, regional student loan debt comparison and U3 and U6 unemployment rates.


minimum Wage Impact on Hourly Wages

This research brief examines how a higher statutory minimum wage could impact lower-wage workers and provides employment and hourly wage estimates for certain lower-wage occupations to illustrate that Pennsylvania effective labor market minimum wage is likely in the range of $10.50 to $11.00 per hour.


Economic Impact of Federal Stimulus

This research brief examines the impact of certain federal stimulus programs enacted in response to the COVID-19 pandemic on Pennsylvania residents and the economy. It estimates the total amount of federal stimulus provided directly to individuals by income group and considers the impact on employment, output, and whether the infusion of federal monies into the state economy is conducive to raising the state minimum wage.


Testimony on minimum Wage

Director Matt Knittel made a brief presentation to the House Commerce Committee on the proposal to raise the minimum wage. The hearing was originally scheduled for February 16, 2021 but was rescheduled to March 11, 2021.


Budget Hearings Packet for Appropriations Committees

The Independent Fiscal Office submitted materials to the House and Senate Appropriations Committees ahead of its scheduled budget hearings. This packet examines the minimum wage, personal and corporate income tax and other proposals included in the FY 2021-22 Executive Budget.


minimum Wage Increase Estimates

In response to a legislative request, the IFO transmitted a letter that expands upon a prior analysis on the impact of a proposed minimum wage increase.


PA Economy League Presentation

In partnership with the Pennsylvania Economy League, Director Matthew Knittel and Deputy Director Brenda Warburton will make multiple presentations on raising the state minimum wage to $12.00 per hour. The presentation examines the proposed minimum wage’s impact on employment, worker incomes, prices and state spending.


Savings and Costs of a $12/hour minimum Wage on DHS-administered Programs

In response to a legislative request, the IFO reviewed the Department of Human Services' projections for the state savings and costs that could occur if Pennsylvania's minimum wage were to be increased to $12 per hour. 


Raising the minimum Wage in Pennsylvania

This research brief presents an analysis of the potential impact of the proposal to 1) raise the Pennsylvania state minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10 and 2) automatically adjust future minimum wage levels to offset inflation.



Tax ............................................................................................................... 3 Sales and Use Tax ........................................................................................................................... 8 Personal Income Tax ....................................................................................................................... 9 Resource Enhancement Tax Credit ................................................................................................... 9 Raising the Minimum Wage .................................................................................................... 11 Minimum Wage Across States ........................................................................................................ 12 Recent Minimum Wage Studies ...................................................................................................... 14 Workers Affected by a $12 per Hour Minimum Wage ....................................................................... 19 Businesses Affected by

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3 Sales and Use Tax ......................................................................................................................... 14 Cigarette Tax ................................................................................................................................ 14 Personal Income Tax ..................................................................................................................... 15 Gaming Taxes ............................................................................................................................... 15 Raising the Minimum Wage .................................................................................................... 17 Minimum Wage Across States ........................................................................................................ 18 Recent Minimum Wage Studies ...................................................................................................... 20 Border County Comparison ............................................................................................................ 23 Workers Affected by a $12 per Hour Minimum Wage

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Simulation Results ........................................................................................................................ 20 Average Effective Tax Rates on Income Sources ............................................................................ 22 Impact on State Migration .............................................................................................................. 22 Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 24 Raising the Minimum Wage .................................................................................................... 25 Proposal Highlights ....................................................................................................................... 25 Raising the Minimum Wage ........................................................................................................... 26 Minimum Wage Across States ....................................................................................................... 26 Recent Minimum Wage Studies ..................................................................................................... 28 Workers Affected by a $12 per Hour Minimum

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1 Tax and Revenue Proposals ......................................................................................... 3 Corporate Net Income Tax ........................................................................................ 3 Natural Gas Severance Tax ....................................................................................... 7 Raising the Minimum Wage ....................................................................................... 15 Minimum Wage Across States ................................................................................. 16 Workers Directly Affected by a Higher Minimum Wage ........................................... 19 Potential Employment Impact of a Higher Minimum Wage ...................................... 22

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report. UNRESOLVED LEGAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL QUESTIONS Divestment raises numerous legal issues that, left unresolved, could expose the funds to, at minimum, litigation costs and, at worst, adverse court rulings holding board and staff members personally liable for losses. House Bill Number of divestment, reinvestment or 4 any subsequent ongoing investment authorized by this section 5 shall be strictly limited to the minimum steps necessary to 6 avoid the contingency set forth in subsection (a). 7 (c) Report.--For any cessation of divestment

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Independent Fiscal Of Ðice November 2015 1 Research Brief 2015‐4 November 2015 Raising the Minimum Wage in Pennsylvania The FY 2015‐16 Executive Budget includes a proposal that (1) increases the state minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10 and (2) automatically adjusts future minimum wage levels to offset in Ðlation. This

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Corporate Net Income Tax ............................................................................................................... 3 Cigarette Tax .................................................................................................................................. 5 Personal Income Tax ....................................................................................................................... 5 Gaming Taxes ................................................................................................................................. 5 Nontax Revenues ............................................................................................................................ 5 Raising the Minimum Wage ...................................................................................................... 7 Comparison to Other States ............................................................................................................. 7 Recent Minimum Wage Studies ........................................................................................................ 9 Border County Comparison ............................................................................................................ 10 Economic and Revenue Impact ...................................................................................................... 12 - This page intentionally left blank. - Introduction | Page 1

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7 Cigarette Tax Transfer to Tobacco Settlement Fund .......................................................................... 7 Personal Income Tax Transfer to Environmental Stewardship Fund .................................................... 7 Raise the Minimum Wage ......................................................................................................... 9 Comparison of State Minimum Wage Rates ....................................................................................... 9 Distribution of Hourly Wage Rates .................................................................................................. 11 Employment Impact ...................................................................................................................... 13 Income and Revenue Impacts ........................................................................................................ 15 - This page intentionally

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Fund .................................................... 6 Realty Transfer Tax Transfer to PHARE Fund .................................................................................... 6 Sales and Use Tax Transfer to PTTF ................................................................................................. 6 Raise the Minimum Wage ......................................................................................................... 7 Comparison of State Minimum Wage Rates ....................................................................................... 7 Distribution of Hourly Wage Rates .................................................................................................... 9 Employment, Income and Revenue Impacts ................................................................................... 11 - This page intentionally left blank

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Public Employee Retirement Laws of PA Local Governments (2009).pdf

incorporated town, township, municipal authority, and council of governments. This act requires actuarial reporting by municipal retirement systems, establishes a minimum funding standard for every municipal pension plan, provides for the annual allocation of General Municipal Pension System State Aid, and sufficient to amortize the unfunded actuarial accrued liabilities of the plans by the target dates established under the act. The minimum funding standard for a municipal retirement system is specified in chapter 3 of the act. Section 302 (53 P.S

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Currently, the Pennsylvania statutory minimum wage is the same as the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour, and some state policymakers have expressed interest in raising the state minimum wage. While

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the state economy, when combined with temporary labor market conditions attributable to the pandemic, is conducive to raising the state minimum wage from its current level of $7.25 per hour. 1 Stimulus Overview Since March 2020, at least four pieces March 2021, Congress made substantial changes to the Child Tax Credit for TY 2021. Changes include the elimination of the minimum income threshold to qualify for the credit, uncapping the refundable portion of the tax credit, expanding the ages of children

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Raising the Minimum Wage to $12.00 Presentation for the PA Economy League Matthew Knittel, Director Independent Fiscal Office May 1, 2019 The ambulatory care, hospitals and nursing/residential care facilities. Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, State and Area Employment. The Minimum Wage Proposal Increase minimum wage from $7.25 to $12.00/hr (+65.5%).  Note: average wage for workers

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TC_2020_Mobile Telecommunications Broadband Investment Tax Credit.pdf

to, or provide a greater incentive for, equip- ment that is deployed in unserved/underserved areas and meets minimum speed requirements. The impact of these broadband incentives can be measured in two parts: (1) the impact of the new or expanded provide a greater incentive for, equip- ment that (1) is deployed in unserved/underserved areas and (2) meets minimum speed require- ments.  Projects in unserved/underserved areas tend to be higher cost and offer lower return on the capital investment

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Detail ................................................................................................. 4 Revenues – Fiscal Year-To-Date ............................................................................. 5 Adjustments to Official Estimate ............................................................................. 6 Executive Budget vs. IFO ....................................................................................... 7 Revenue Proposals Minimum Wage Rates by State ............................................................................... 8 Increasing Minimum Wage to $15 ........................................................................... 9 Marijuana Taxes .................................................................................................. 10 Lottery and Gaming Trends .................................................................................. 12 Revenues, Economics and Demographics Revenue Trends .................................................................................................. 13 Economic

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share of payroll (4.75% to 5.00% depending on the state). Each state program has its own requirements for minimum qualified wages and increases in payroll or employment. The annual program caps range from $4 million in Pennsylvania to $25 of 5% of the annual increase in payroll and the firm must maintain the new jobs/increased payroll for a minimum of five years. The Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) may award up to $4 million in tax credits

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years (see Figure 1): ▪ From 2001 to 2006, the computed AWP per gallon of fuel fluctuated within the statutorily imposed minimum ($0.90) and maximum ($1.25) until it exceeded the maximum in 2006. The tax imposed on a gallon of of 2013), gasoline tax revenue increased 9.9% per annum as the statutory AWP was incrementally raised to a new minimum of $2.99 with no maximum. Because the AWP was set by statute during a portion of this transition, no

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Hearing on Impact of Minimum Wage Increase in Pennsylvania House Commerce Committee February 16, 2021 Matthew Knittel | Director | Independent Fiscal Office Good morning Chairman Roae were disproportionately impacted. Those workers were employed in the retail trade and food service sectors.  The fourth table shows minimum wage rates across states for the current year and two subsequent years.  The fifth table displays the state wage

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Burden: Average Tax Rate and Rank ........................................ 17 SERS and PSERS Financial Data ............................................................................. 18 Tax Credit and Economic Development Incentives ................................................... 19 Minimum Wage Rates by State .............................................................................. 21 PA Worker Distribution by Hourly Wage Rates ......................................................... 22 PIT Revenue Proposal: Impact on Different Filers but is not included because it does not take effect until Jan. 1, 2024. Independent Fiscal Office 21 March 2021 Minimum Wage Rates by State 2021 Rank 2021 2022 2023 Washington D.C. 1 $15.00 $15.30 $15.60 California

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Act 120, normal retirement age for most new members of PSERS and SERS was increased to age 65 with a minimum of three years of Ron Snell, State Pension Reform, 2009-11, National Conference of State Legislatures, March 2012. Also, Ron or 8 years of service 50% of monthly aver- age pay during final 4 years of service 8 years and minimum age of 40 4% of pay Second Class A City Code (Scranton Police Officers Age 55 and 25 years of

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a formula to produce a flat dollar amount related to service, years on retirement, or both; a guarantee of a minimum pension benefit level; or a recalculation of pension benefits on the basis of the provisions of a subsequently granted benefit they are disbursed, or "pay-as-you- go financing," avoids negative cash flow from the retirement system and represents a minimum funding requirement for any postretirement adjustment. Under pay-as-you-go financing, the contributions needed to fund the liability created

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employee contribution and benefit accrual rates exclude optional buy-up. Superannuation for Class T-H is age 67 with a minimum of 3 years of service credit (rule of 97 does not apply to this class).  Employees contribute a total A-5 and A-6), the age for superannua- tion, or unreduced retirement benefits, is (1) age 67 with a minimum of three years of service credit or (2) any combination of age and service that totals 97 with a minimum

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and have the equipment delivered to a location in Pennsylvania, (2) re- hearse at a qualified rehearsal facility for a minimum of 10 days and (3) perform at least one concert at a Class 1 venue and at least one additional states impose an annual cap, and Georgia has the highest cap at $15.0 million. New York requires that a minimum of eight shows are performed at three or more locations, similar to the venue specifications for the EEEP Tax Credit

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7 Data by calendar year beginning in 2017. 10 Source: Pennsylvania Lottery. "Pennsylvania Lottery Profit Report," 2022. Lottery | Page 19 Minimum Profit Margin Requirement Since the Lottery’s inception, there has been a minimum profit margin requirement, and Pennsylvania is one of seven states that currently has this requirement. 2 Originally 30%, various legislative

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Price Trends ($/mmbtu) ................................................................................................... 22 SERS and PSERS Employer Contributions Rates and Funding Ratios ...................................... 23 SERS and PSERS Financial Data .............................................................................................................. 24 Minimum Wage Rates by State ............................................................................................................. 25 PA Workers Affected by a $12 Minimum Wage (2018) ................................................................ 26 States with Corporate Net Income Tax ............................................................................................... 27 Combined Reporting vs. Separate Reporting States ..................................................................... 28 PBB and Tax

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single life annuity and no member may elect a payment option that would provide benefits that do not satisfy the minimum distribution requirements or would violate the incidental death benefit rules of IRC § 401(a)(9). In no event shall a for such purposes. (b) Required distributions.--All payments under this section shall start and be made in compliance with the minimum distribution requirements and incidental death benefit rules of IRC § 401(a)(9). The board shall take any action and make

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remarks) Complex benefit structure based upon a member’s entry age and a $12.50 per month member contribu- tion. Minimum benefit eligibility is age 60. Example: For a member who entered service at age 18 and retired at age 60 funding for the SRPVF would only be required in those years when the General Assembly determines that more than the minimum contribution is appropriate and fiscally feasible. In those instances, the additional funding for the SRPVF would be provided by the

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staff are outlined below: Entry Requirements. An active member is usually eligible to enter the DROP upon satisfaction of the minimum age and/or service requirements for a full, unreduced pension under the regular retirement system. Maximum Participation Period. Two to a State law that requires actuarial reporting on the funded condition of Pennsylvania’s local government pension plans, provides for minimum municipal funding requirements, creates a recovery plan for distressed municipal pension plans, and serves as the basis for the distribution

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hourly wage (excluding benefits) for each newly-created job must be at least 150 percent of the Federal minimum wage (currently $7.25 per hour) which equals $10.88 per hour. The JCTC is one of 22 credits subject to review the credit offsets roughly 1.4 percent of the total cost. Alternatively, at 150 percent of the Federal minimum wage ($10.88 per hour) and 30 percent in benefit costs, or $29,400 per year, the credit offsets 3.4 percent

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state prison of 24 months or less, this proposal would institute a presumptive release to parole at the minimum sentence. These inmates would be released to state parole supervision to achieve public safety outcomes at lower overall costs.  Improve the to assign each inmate to a prison based on the best opportunities to prepare for release within the minimum timeframe. At the local level, the SCI superintendent’s office makes executive decisions and works with the reentry office and institutional parole

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18 Pension Systems Data ............................................................................................................... 20 Employer Contribution Rates for PSERS and SERS ...................................................... 21 Funded Ratios for PSERS and SERS .................................................................................... 22 Minimum Wage Rates by State ............................................................................................. 23 Corporate Net Income Tax by State .................................................................................... 24 Performance-Based Budgeting (PBB) and Tax Credit Schedule IFO) -1,670 Difference 1,680 Due to Available Revenues Gross revenues, refunds and lapses 210 Higher EB revenues from minimum wage -120 Sub-Total 90 Due to Funding Shifts Additional Lottery support for MA 92 Funding shift for DEP-DCNR-

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and Local Tax Burden ..................................................................................... 16 Corporate Net Income Tax State Comparison ........................................................... 17 State Pension Outlook ............................................................................................. 18 Economic Development Incentives ........................................................................... 20 Minimum Wage Rates by State ................................................................................ 22 Marijuana Taxes ..................................................................................................... 23 - This page intentionally left blank. - Independent Fiscal Office 1 March 2023 Independent for FY 22-23 and FY 23- 24. Actual expenditures may vary. Actual ($ millions) Independent Fiscal Office 22 March 2023 Minimum Wage Rates by State Minimum Wage Rates by State State/Territory 2023 Rank 2023 2024 2025 Washington D.C. 1

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and Local Tax Burden ..................................................................................... 13 Corporate Net Income Tax State Comparison ........................................................... 14 State Pension Outlook ............................................................................................. 15 Economic Development Incentives ........................................................................... 16 Minimum Wage by State ......................................................................................... 18 PBB – Agency Reviews ............................................................................................ 19 PBB - Tax Credit Evaluations .................................................................................... 20 PBB – Five-Year Schedule ........................................................................................ 21 - This page FY 2020-21 values not released for BFTDA- Venture Investment Loan Program. Actual ($ millions) Independent Fiscal Office 18 February 2022 Minimum Wage by State Minimum Wage Rates by State 2022 Rank 2022 2023 2024 Washington D.C. 1 $15.20 $15

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to an approved fund, the investor (1) receives an equity interest in the fund or a debt instrument with a minimum of a five-year maturity and (2) qualifies for a tax credit equal to 100% of the credit-eligible investment approved rural growth fund, the investor receives (1) an equity interest in the fund or a debt instrument with a minimum of a five-year maturity and (2) qualifies for a tax credit equal to 100% of the credit-eligible investment

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Senate Appropriations Response Letter 3-6-2020.pdf

detail on project awards by type of investment (Table 4A) and by county (Table 4B). Each table also lists the minimum private investment required from the applicant (the program requires a 15 percent match) and the minimum total investment (grant award + private investment). Project types were assigned by the IFO using the following categories as outlined in

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Cox: Thank you for your recent letter that requests the Independent Fiscal Office (IFO) to provide additional data on the minimum wage analysis included in the Analysis of Revenue Proposals published by the office in March 2019. Your letter requests additional Table 2.6 of the report. Your letter also inquires about reduced work hours and reduced benefits from a higher minimum wage. The attached table presents the gross figures (i.e., the gains prior to any losses) for the tabulations from

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23 Change in Employer Contributions 24 Funded Ratios for PSERS and SERS 25 Miscellaneous Materials Property Tax Projections 26 State Minimum Wage Levels 27 State Corporate Tax Rates and Other Attributes 28 PBB and Tax Credit Review Schedule 29 Independent Fiscal properties that have not applied for the homestead exclusion. Source: IFO Research Brief January 2018-1. Estimate Forecast 26 State Minimum Wage Levels 2018 Rank 2018 2019 2020 Washington D.C. 1 $12.50 $13.25 $14.00 Washington 1 2

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requirement equal to 9.3% of compensation. • Increased the superannuation requirements for most new members to age 65 with a minimum of three years of service credit, or any combination of age and service that totals 92 and at least 35 authorization for members of PSERS. Previously, members were required to qualify for membership in PSERS each year by working a minimum of 500 hours or 80 days annually. Under Act 120, any school employee who qualifies for membership will remain a

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funding to, or provide a greater incentive for, equipment that (1) is deployed in unserved/underserved areas and (2) meets minimum speed requirements. Economic Impact ▪ Tax Credits Available $5.0 million ▪ Net Tax Revenue Impact +$0.4 million ▪ Net ROI +9 areas. ▪ If the current tax credit program is retained, amend the program to focus on unserved/underserved areas and incorporate minimum speed requirements. ▪ Subject tax credit recipients to reporting requirements. Other Highlights ▪ Over the five-year period reviewed for the report

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methods to address.  Revenue proposals. Loans/enhancements. Efficiency gains.  Unclear what will be enacted.  Severance tax and minimum wage increase.  Gas prices recently recover. Will it last?  Minimum wage: higher incomes vs. lower employment. The Outlook in February 2017 June 7, 2017 16 2015-16 2016-17 2017-

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year ▪ Revenues significantly outperform estimates ▪ Approximately $6 billion in federal relief supports current year budget ▪ Proposed for FY 22-23: Minimum wage increase | corporate tax changes Main economic issues ▪ What happened to the labor force? ▪ Inflation for 2022 | wage-price spiral 2,734 -- 6,783 809 Note: Millions of dollars. Prior year lapses include transfers to the Budget Stabilization Reserve Fund. Minimum Wage Proposal: Increase to $15 by 2028 March 31, 2022 7 Phase in Minimum Wage Increase ▪ Hourly minimum wage increase

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strong  Down 441k jobs in February from prior year  Positives: housing market, sales tax revenues show strong growth Minimum wage, PIT changes and combined reporting/rate reduction  Minimum wage impact looks very different now than 2019  Combined reporting vs rate reduction: what is the trade off? March

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Down 472k jobs in December from prior year  IFO projects six years needed to return to pre-pandemic level Minimum wage, PIT changes and combined reporting/rate reduction  Minimum wage impact looks very different now than 2019  Combined reporting vs rate reduction: what is the trade off? March

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be completed until the summer months. Senator Haywood requested the estimated public assistance savings that would result from a higher minimum wage. According to the FY 2024-25 Executive Budget, the minimum wage initiative (increase to $15 per hour) results in higher costs for DHS as reflected in the Child Care Services

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of gasoline and diesel fuel in the prior calendar year. Beginning with calendar year 2017 and thereafter, the minimum AWP is $2.99 per gallon. For the 12-month period ending September 30, 2019, the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue determined the 1.90 per gallon. Therefore, the AWP used to calculate the 2020 OCFT rate remains at the statutory minimum of $2.99 per gallon. (No increase.)  The lingering effects of suppressed gasoline consumption related to COVID-19. 12 Most sources

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a small share (2% to 5%) of total misclassified workers. The bureau also collects wages due to workers under wage, minimum wage, overtime and prevailing wage laws. For recent years, there has been a notable increase in wages collected, largely due employment laws across the Common- wealth. The bureau’s workload focuses on the enforcement of laws relating to wage payment, minimum wage and overtime. It also enforces additional laws that protect workers’ rights, including those regulating child labor, seasonal farm labor

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and Families (OCYF) regulates the degree and scope of children and youth services provided at the county-level by setting minimum standards for service delivery and administration. OCYF monitors county agencies to ensure compliance and reimburses counties for department-approved services Community ID/Autism Waivers | Page 40 State Benchmarks Persons with ID/Autism are Paid Roughly 20 Percent Above PA's Minimum Wage on Average 1 Source: National Core Indicators, In-Person Survey (2018-19). 1 Community jobs without publicly-funded supports

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in the prior calendar year and expressed on a cents-per- gallon basis. Beginning with CY 2017 and thereafter, the minimum AWP is $2.99 per gallon. For the 12- month period ending September 30, 2023, the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue 2024-25 estimates assume that the AWP used to compute the CY 2025 tax rates remains below the $2.99 minimum and that the tax rates remain unchanged. Base The tax is imposed on a cents-per-gallon basis on all

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in the prior calendar year and expressed on a cents-per- gallon basis. Beginning with CY 2017 and thereafter, the minimum AWP is $2.99 per gallon. For the 12- month period ending September 30, 2022, the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue 2023-24 estimates assume that the AWP used to compute the CY 2024 tax rates falls below the $2.99 minimum and that the tax rates imposed on gasoline and diesel decline to 45.9 and 62.4 cents per gallon

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of gasoline and diesel fuel in the prior calendar year. Beginning with calendar year 2017 and thereafter, the minimum AWP is $2.99 per gallon. For the 12-month period ending Sep- tember 30, 2019, the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue determined 1.90 per gallon. Therefore, the AWP used to calculate the 2020 OCFT rate remains at the statutory minimum of $2.99 per gallon. (No increase.)  The lingering effects of suppressed motor fuel consumption related to COVID-19. Official Revenue

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7% 3.5% Note: Payroll jobs only. Data include full-and part-time jobs. Excludes self-employedand independent contractors. The Minimum Wage Proposal Increase minimum wage from $7.25 to $12.00/hr (+65.5%).  Note: average wage for workers earning <$12.00 is

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before the Senate Appropriations Committee. The requests relate to an adjusted financial statement, public assistance savings resulting from a higher minimum wage, impact of the Ohio rate structure on Pennsylvania tax liability, net migration for Pennsylvania, regional student loan debt comparison of statutory changes that were enacted in conjunction with the remainder of the state budget in December 2023. ... (Full Report) Minimum Wage Impact on Hourly Wages Economics and Other January 24, 2024 This research brief examines how a higher statutory minimum

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timeline are posted on PHFA’s website ( PHFA can modify the bid process and may establish a minimum bid requirement, maximum dollar amount per applicant or other criteria. 4 Applicants must electronically submit a complete application by the Remaining projects were new construction and often occurred on a vacant lot. 12 Per Community Revitalization Fund Program guidelines, the minimum funding request is $500,000 and the maximum request is $1.0 million.

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within Pennsylvania. Approved educational improvement organizations must also be a qualified 501(c)(3) non-profit entity, and grant a minimum of 80% of annual EITC contributions to qualified innovative educational programs in Pennsylvania public, charter or private schools. 6 Pre- tax credit. Approved pre-K scholarship organizations must be a qualified 501(c)(3) non-profit entity and contribute a minimum of 80% of annual PKTC contributions to a qualified pre-K scholarship program. Qualified programs 2 The ETC was originally

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day coal production are still allocated funds for reclamation. Funds allocated to the federal expense category are used to fund Minimum Pro- gram Make-Up grants. These grants (1) ensure states receive at least $3.0 million a year or the the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act. As a result, some states received less than the $3.0 million minimum distribution. Federal and State Programs | Page 16 Dollar Share Dollar Share Dollar Share Wyoming 2 $0.0 0.0% $0

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expenses. Feature films and television productions are eligible for an additional 5 percent credit if the production meets minimum stage filming requirements at a qualified pro- duction facility and is intended for a national audience. 1 Qualified post-production expenses incurred is spent in the state. 4 Feature films and television productions intended for a national audience that meet minimum stage filming requirements at a qualified production facility may be eligible for an additional 5 percent credit. Qualified post-production expenses incurred

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without a pre-funding mechanism. The act did not specify which employers could make advance payments. However, due to the minimum threshold of 75% of employer UAL, employers would likely need to issue bonds to participate. Lack of cash flow, savings based on UAL value as of December 31, 2019), their UAL, the share of those UALs within SERS and the minimum contribution if they made an advance payment. If all five employers participated, then advance payments could range from $2.9

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to provide residents with at least 2.87 hours of direct care per day (up from 2.7 hours). The minimum will increase again to 3.2 hours on July 1, 2024. ▪ In September 2023, CMS proposed three new staffing requirements for long-term care facilities: (1) minimum nurse staffing standards of 0.55 hours per resident day (HPRD) for registered nurses (RNs) and 2.45 HPRD for

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87 per gallon effective January 1, 2014, and $2.49 per gallon effective January 1, 2015. The AWP is a minimum of $2.99 per gallon effective January 1, 2017 (no cap). For the 12-month period ending September 30, 2021 92 per gallon. Therefore, the AWP used to calculate the 2022 oil company franchise tax (OCFT) rates was the statutory minimum of $2.99 per gallon and the tax rates are 45.9 cents per gallon for liquid fuels and 62

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87 per gallon effective January 1, 2014, and $2.49 per gallon effective January 1, 2015. The AWP is a minimum of $2.99 per gallon effective January 1, 2017 (no cap). For the 12-month period ending September 30, 2020 48 per gallon. Therefore, the AWP used to calculate the 2021 oil company franchise tax (OCFT) rates was the statutory minimum of $2.99 per gallon and the tax rates are 45.9 cents per gallon for liquid fuels and 62

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gallon effective January 1, 2014, and $2.49 per gallon effective January 1, 2015. The AWP is a minimum of $2.99 per gallon effective January 1, 2017 (no cap). For the 12-month period ending September 30, 2019, the Department gallon. Therefore, the AWP used to calculate the 2020 oil company franchise tax (OCFT) rates was the statutory minimum of $2.99 per gallon and the tax rates are 45.9 cents per gallon for liquid fuels and 62.4 cents

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gallon effective January 1, 2014, and $2.49 per gallon effective January 1, 2015. The AWP is a minimum of $2.99 per gallon effective January 1, 2017 (no cap). For the 12-month period ending September 30, 2018, the Department be $2.04 per gallon. Therefore, the AWP used to calculate the 2019 OFT rates was the statutory minimum of $2.99 per gallon and the tax rates are 45.9 cents per gallon for liquid fuels and 62.4 cents

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IFO - Economic and Budget Outlook - January 2012.pdf

on Medicaid to plug gaps in their Medicare coverage. The federal government provides the majority of these funds and sets minimum standards for eligibility and benefits. However, states may elect to exceed the minimum standards if they wish. Data from the Kaiser Foundation show that national Medicaid enrollment has grown by nearly 8.8

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Revenue estimates (how much revenues are available?) ▪ Performance based budgeting | Tax credit reviews ▪ Special Studies: property tax reform, natural gas, minimum wage March 4, 2022 2 Today’s Presentation: Three Parts State demographics, economy and COVID impacts ▪ A contracting labor force Funding March 4, 2022 22 General Fund Revenue Proposals ▪ ($79 million) – CNIT rate reduction phase-in | Broaden base ▪ $75 million – Minimum wage increase ▪ $134 million – Keep table games tax revenue in the General Fund General Fund Education Funding Proposals ▪ $1.55

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Revenue estimates (how much revenues are available?) ▪ Performance based budgeting | Tax credit reviews ▪ Special Studies: property tax reform, natural gas, minimum wage February 19, 2021 2 Today’s Presentation: Three Parts State demographics, economy and COVID impacts ▪ A contracting labor force PIT rate increase to 4.49% | Expand tax forgiveness ▪ $209 million – Combined reporting | CNIT rate reduction phase-in ▪ $116 million – Minimum wage increase ▪ $168 million – New municipal fee to fund state police services General Fund Education Funding Proposals ▪ $1.6 billion

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30, 2004; 3) require that the revised report be used solely for the purposes of recalculating a municipality's 2004 Minimum Municipal Obligation and for calculating a municipality's 2005 Minimum Municipal Obligation to reflect the extended amortization period; and 4) preclude the revised actuarial valuation report from affecting the distribution

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a five-year commitment, and credits worth up to 80 percent for a commitment of six or more years. The minimum annual contribution is $50,000 per business partner, and the project must have a minimum of $100,000 in partner commitments. (4) Charitable Food Program (CFP): Provides a tax credit of up to 55 percent

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have greatest potential to achieve the purpose and goals of the tax credit. Policymakers want to provide the minimum amount of tax credits necessary to incentivize the maximum number of projects that have the greatest potential to impact local communities. They full 15 percent credit. All projects should generally exceed the 5 percent threshold noted by stakeholders as the minimum required to truly incentivize projects. In this example, the 15 percent base credit rate was arbitrary. If the base credit rate had

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Single-Use Plastics Report-2020_06.pdf

is intended to be used more than once. Jurisdictions have various qualifications to be considered reusable, but the minimum thickness is gen- erally 2.25 mils. This thickness implies that the bags could be reused up to 125 times before exhaustion plus-fee model will charge 8 cents for bags under 2.25 mils in thickness. In 2026 the minimum thickness for plastic bags increases to 4.0 mils and the charge increases to 12 cents. Table 2.2 - Regulations on Plastic

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wholesale price (AWP) of gasoline and diesel fuel in the prior calendar year. Beginning with CY 2017 and thereafter, the minimum AWP is $2.99 per gallon. For the 12-month period ending September 30, 2022, the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue 78.5 cents per gallon, respectively. The FY 2023-24 estimates assume that the AWP falls below the $2.99 minimum for CY 2023 and the tax rates imposed on gasoline and diesel decline to 57.6 and 74.1 cents

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wholesale price (AWP) of gasoline and diesel fuel in the prior calendar year. Beginning with CY 2017 and thereafter, the minimum AWP is $2.99 per gallon. For the 12-month period ending September 30, 2021, the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue to be $1.92 per gallon. Therefore, the AWP used to calculate the 2022 OFT rate remains at the statutory minimum of $2.99 per gallon (no increase in the rate). Amount Growth Amount Growth Total Motor License Fund $2,887

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wholesale price (AWP) of gasoline and diesel fuel in the prior calendar year. Beginning with CY 2017 and thereafter, the minimum AWP is $2.99 per gallon. For the 12-month period ending September 30, 2021, the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue to be $1.92 per gallon. Therefore, the AWP used to calculate the 2022 OFT rate remains at the statutory minimum of $2.99 per gallon (no increase in the rate). Amount Growth Amount Growth Total Motor License Fund $2,877

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ing: increase in value from $2,000 to $3,000 ($3,600 for children under age six), removal of the minimum income threshold and the credit is now fully refundable (previously only $1,400 was refundable). The maximum credit is available price (AWP) of gasoline and diesel fuel in the prior calendar year. Beginning with calendar year 2017 and thereafter, the minimum AWP is $2.99 per gallon. For the 12-month period ending Sep- tember 30, 2020, the Pennsylvania Department of

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wholesale price (AWP) of gasoline and diesel fuel in the prior calendar year. Beginning with CY 2017 and thereafter, the minimum AWP is $2.99 per gallon. For the 12-month period ending September 30, 2022, the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue 78.5 cents per gallon, respectively. The FY 2023-24 estimates assume that the AWP falls below the $2.99 minimum for CY 2023 and the tax rates imposed on gasoline and diesel decline to 57.6 and 74.1 cents

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annually based on the AWP of gasoline and diesel fuel. Beginning with calendar year 2017 and thereafter, the minimum AWP is $2.99 per gallon. For the 12-month period ending Sep- tember 30, 2018, the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue determined 2.04 cents per gallon. Therefore, the AWP used to calculate the 2019 OFT rate is the statutory minimum $2.99 per gallon. Initial Revenue Estimate | Page 15 The Lottery Fund The initial revenue estimate projects that Lottery Fund net revenues

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highest average price recorded by the U.S. Energy Information Administration. In Pennsylvania, the average annual wholesale price of gasoline (minimum of $2.99 per gallon) is used to compute tax rates for the subsequent calendar year. Due to high prices to $0.611 per gallon for 2023. For 2023, the average wholesale price dropped below the $2.99 per gallon minimum, and gasoline tax rates will revert to 2022 levels for 2024 ($0.576 per gallon). As shown by the figure

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Gross Income above $400,000; previously $110,000) and created a new $500 credit for other dependents.  Increased alternative minimum tax (AMT) exemption phase-out thresholds. The impact of the TCJA on Pennsylvania federal income taxpayers will depend on income Tax Rate computations include refundable earned income tax credit (EITC) and child tax credit amounts, as well as the alternative minimum tax (AMT) and net investment tax (3.8 percent on certain investment income). 6 For the low income group, this

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HSSAP may exceed the number of funded slots due to turnover of children. ▪ Lead agencies and partners will have a minimum of one formal compliance review conducted annually by a Preschool Program Specialist. The annual Program Review Instrument (PRI) includes a 99 -- Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (A-TSI) -- -- -- 196 196 -- Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) -- -- -- 310 310 -- Assessment days required (minimum) 5 4 4 4 4 -- Assessment cost/pupil (state portion) $43.89 $43.89 $43.89 $43.89 $43.89

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FY 2016-17 and will continue to work with PSFEI and internal resources to track this metric at minimum, every other year.  DGS cleaning, repairs and maintenance cost per square foot as a percent of GSA costs. The percent of FY 2016-17 and will continue to work with PSFEI and internal resources to track this metric at minimum, every other year. 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 Average days to close a work order

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Labor and Industry and ECI is projected by IHS Markit with minor adjustments by the IFO. Assumes no change in minimum wage. March 17, 2021 Act 1 Index Components: Long-Term Perspective 4 0.5% 1.0% 1.5% 2.0% Labor and Industry and ECI is projected by IHS Markit with minor adjustments by the IFO. Assumes no change in minimum wage. March 17, 2021 moderate inflation strong jobs market Great Recession large ECI and SAWW disconnect another rare disconnect COVID-

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annually based on the AWP of gasoline and diesel fuel. Beginning with calendar year 2017 and thereafter, the minimum AWP is $2.99 per gallon. For the 12-month period ending Sep- tember 30, 2018, the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue determined 2.04 cents per gallon. Therefore, the AWP used to calculate the 2019 OFT rate is the statutory minimum $2.99 per gallon. Official Revenue Estimate | Page 15 Amount Growth Amount Growth Total Motor License Fund $2,859 -3.0% $2

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is calculated annually based on the AWP of gasoline and diesel fuel. Beginning with calendar year 2017, the minimum AWP is set at $2.99 per gallon. For the 12-month period ending September 30, 2017, the Department of Revenue determined be $1.68 per gallon. Therefore, the AWP used to calculate the 2018 OFT rates was the statutory minimum of $2.99 per gallon. Official Revenue Estimate | Page 13 (OFT) component. Act 89 fee increases effective July 1, 2017 were determined

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five-year commitment, and a credit of up to 80 percent for a commitment of six or more years. The minimum annual contribution is $50,000 per business and the project must have a minimum of $100,000 in commitments. Charitable Food Program (CFP) – Provides a tax credit of up to 55 percent of eligible

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ing: increase in value from $2,000 to $3,000 ($3,600 for children under age six), removal of the minimum income threshold, and the credit is now fully refundable (previously only $1,400 was refundable). The maximum credit is available price (AWP) of gasoline and diesel fuel in the prior calendar year. Beginning with calendar year 2017 and thereafter, the minimum AWP is $2.99 per gallon. For the 12-month period ending Sep- tember 30, 2020, the Pennsylvania Department of

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is calculated annually based on the AWP of gasoline and diesel fuel. Beginning with calendar year 2017, the minimum AWP is set at $2.99 per gallon. For the 12-month period ending September 30, 2017, the Department of Revenue determined be $1.68 per gallon. Therefore, the AWP used to calculate the 2018 OFT rates was the statutory minimum of $2.99 per gallon. Amount Growth Amount Growth Total Motor License Fund $2,958 7.2% $2,973 0.5% Liquid

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in the maximum amount from $2,000 to $3,000 ($3,600 for children under age six), removal of the minimum income threshold, and full refundability (previously only $1,400 was refundable). The IFO estimates that these changes increase the value depleted inventories and consumer demand cools in the absence of continued federal stimulus. A proposal to levy a new 15% minimum federal corporate income tax could impact CNIT liabilities in the near-term. Strong estimated (for TY 2021) and final (TY

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EPLC Feb 2020 FINAL.pdf

how much revenues are available?)  Performance based budgeting | Tax credit reviews  Special Studies: property tax reform, natural gas, minimum wage February 28, 2020 2 Today’s Presentation: Three Parts State demographics and economy  Labor market still robust | consumers Executive Budget relies on policy options, funding shifts and one-time measures to close gap  Combined reporting ($240 million) | Minimum wage ($133 million)  State Police Fee ($136 million)  Unclear whether they will be enacted Various long-term demographic

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Witgert Nov 15, 2012.pdf

State Health Reform Assistance Network resources Big Decision #3: Essential Health Benefits 15 EHB Primer Minimum essential benefits 1. Ambulatory patient services 2. Emergency services 3. Hospitalization 4. Maternity and newborn care 5. Mental health and

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of new full-time jobs ▪ New jobs/increased payroll must be maintained for 5 years ▪ Jobs must meet or exceed minimum wage requirements and include employer-provided health benefits Tax credit: maximum 5% higher payroll from newly created jobs ▪ Capped at

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credit and the cost of remediation. Under current law, property developers receive the same potential benefit whether the site requires minimum or extensive remediation. Policymakers should evaluate the purpose of the KSDZ pro- gram (i.e., is the goal job creation

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Effect 2018-2040 (billions of $) Tax Provision JCT PWBM PWBM Repeal and modifications to itemized deductions 668 459 496 Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) changes -637 -317 -313 Reforms to certain deductions and credits 25 26 9 Reforms to certain individual tax

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the Public School Code of 1949. It is used in the calculation of various state subsidies for school districts. The minimum MV/PI AR is 0.1500. For FY 2022-23, 412 districts had an MV/PI AR of 0.4000

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the Public School Code of 1949. It is used in the calculation of various state subsidies for school districts. The minimum MV/PI AR is 0.1500. For FY 2021-22, 412 districts had an MV/PI AR of 0.4000

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the Public School Code of 1949. It is used in the calculation of various state subsidies for school districts. The minimum MV/PI AR is 0.1500. For FY 2021-22, 412 districts had an MV/PI AR of 0.4000

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the Public School Code of 1949. It is used in the calculation of various state subsidies for school districts. The minimum MV/PI AR is 0.1500. For FY 2020-21, 413 districts had an MV/PI AR of 0.4000

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1949. It is used in the calculation of various state subsidies for school districts, including the basic education subsidy. The minimum MV/PI AR is 0.1500. For FY 2019-20, 409 districts had an MV/PI AR of 0.4000

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1949. It is used in the calculation of various state subsidies for school districts, including the basic education subsidy. The minimum MV/PI AR is 0.1500. For FY 2017-18, 409 districts had an MV/PI AR of 0.4000

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AWP) of gasoline and diesel fuel in the prior calendar year. Beginning with calendar year (CY) 2017 and thereafter, the minimum AWP is $2.99 per gallon. For the 12-month period ending September 30, 2023, the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue

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AWP) of gasoline and diesel fuel in the prior calendar year. Beginning with calendar year (CY) 2017 and thereafter, the minimum AWP is $2.99 per gallon. For the 12-month period ending September 30, 2023, the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue

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95, whichever is greater. This includes households that are receiving the maximum benefit for their household size already. The $95 minimum benefit is regardless of household size. For July 2022, Pennsylvania was approved for $171.3 million of Emergency Allotments. See

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95, whichever is greater. This includes households that are receiving the maximum benefit for their household size already. The $95 minimum benefit is regardless of household size. For July 2022, Pennsylvania was approved for $171.3 million of Emergency Allotments. See

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1949. It is used in the calculation of various state subsidies for school districts, including the basic education subsidy. The minimum MV/PI AR is 0.1500. For FY 2017‐18, 409 districts had an MV/PI AR of 0.4000

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credits to businesses locat‐ ed in the area that create or maintain 500 jobs within three years or invest a minimum of $45 million in capital investment. Neighborhood Improvement Zone $29,947 $38,694 Established an area of 128 acres for

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RB 2019 Natural Gas Royalties.pdf

received from the sale of natural gas extracted from wells located on a landowner’s property. Pennsylvania law mandates a minimum royalty rate of 12.5 percent of the market value of the sale. 1 Some contracts allow firms to deduct

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2021 2022 PA Diesel Fuel Source: Pennsylvania Department of Revenue. III. State Budget: Tax and Revenue Proposals 1 Increase state minimum wage to $15.00 per hour ▪ Effective Jan. 1, 2024 | no phase-in and single rate for all employers ▪ 2024

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become insolvent and placed into liquidation. If an actuarial analysis reveals that the fund balance will fall below a statutory minimum, periodic assessments on net written workers’ compensation insurance premiums are made to ensure funding. Underground Storage Tank Indemnification Fund (USTIF

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market rates. Weekly Family Co-pay by Family Size and Annual Income (2020) Note: MCCA rates are per day. The minimum annual income for the co-pay range is shown. 1 Region 2 includes Cameron, Clarion, Clearfield, Elk, Forest, Jefferson, McKean

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reviews of sample cases in all AAAs to ensure consistent services across the Common- wealth. If PDA finds no or minimum quality issues and no individuals were left at risk, the department staff will continue with annual reviews. In the table

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in exercises -- -- 620 700 475 700 # NIMS courses provided 2 -- -- 16 42 35 40 # PEMA FTEs trained to minimum NIMS requirements 2 1 10 94 104 122 146 # Plans developed or revised -- -- -- -- 17 18 # Citizens participating in CERT training 1,3

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awarded approximately $717 million in federal TANF dollars. Funding requires a state Mainte- nance of Effort (MOE), a minimum spending-level of state funds for benefits and services or federal funding can be reduced in subsequent years. States have discretion regarding

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the highest in the nation. The desired outcome is that Pennsylvania’s residents will be exposed to the minimum amount of controllable radiation. This activity is primarily funded by fees collected for nuclear power plant surveillance and emergency re- sponse, radioactive

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state prison of 24 months or less, this proposal would institute a presumptive release to parole at the minimum sentence. These inmates would be released to state parole supervision to achieve public safety outcomes at lower overall costs.  Improve the

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PBB-Board Hearing Jan 23 2020.pptx

wireless only ▪ Purpose: to expand availability and enhance quality ▪ No requirement to locate in underserved/unserved areas ▪ No requirement on minimum speeds 24 states have a broadband incentive ▪ But only 3 use tax credits | most use grants and allow wired investment

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out of General Fund Eliminate Mobile Telecom Taxes Gross receipts tax (5.0%) and sales tax (6.0%): -$62m Raise Minimum Wage $7.25 to $15.00, effective Jan 1, 2024 Adult Use Cannabis Tax 20% wholesale price, effective Jan 1

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Local Aid Provides $195.3 billion to states and the District of Columbia: o $25.5 billion to each state, minimum of $500 million. o $169 billion would be allocated based on the states’ share of unemployed workers over a three-

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stronger weekly wage gains than higher-wage workers. 2 Some of those gains are due to the implementation of higher minimum wages in various states. For Pennsylvania, the latest data suggest that average wages grew at an annual rate of roughly

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Report,” January 2016, and “Pennsylvania Q1-2016 Statewide Report,” March 2016. Data include residential single-family homes, townhouses, and condo- miniums. 2 National Association of Realtors, “Existing-Home Sales,” April 2016. Data include only single-family homes. Pennsylvania Home Sales Completed

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must take place until no remaining Category 4 licenses remain or until there are no more bids. The minimum bid for each license is $7.5 million. An additional one-time nonrefundable authorization fee of $2.5 million is required for

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Reporting” (preferably with worldwide reach on tax havens)  Disclosure/Clawbacks.  Three-factor apportionment factor  Economic nexus  Minimum tax Combined Reporting: The Basics  Combined reporting is one way of tackling a basic problem: what is the “company

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1: A01354 and A01558 (June 2017) • Official Revenue Estimate FY 2017-18 (June 2017) • Savings-Costs of a $12/hour Minimum Wage on DHS-Administered Programs (June 2017) • Impact Fee Update and 2017 Outlook (July 2017) • PLEA Wage Contract Analysis (July

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Revenue estimates (how much revenues are available?) ▪ Performance based budgeting | Tax credit reviews ▪ Special Studies: property tax reform, natural gas, minimum wage October 24, 2022 1 Act 48 Tax Credit Reviews Statute: Did the tax credits accomplish their legislative intent? ▪ Submit

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2-3 years Notes Revenues IFO Estimate Spending Exec Bud Amount Tax Skill Games $380 Basic Education Funding $1,072 Minimum Wage Increase $75 School Environmental Repairs $300 Tax Adult Use Cannabis $260 School Safety and Security (Mental Health) $100 Transfer

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budgeting projects, coordinating the forecast of department expenditures and working on special projects that pertain to education, demographics, minimum wage and other subjects as needed. Lesley Rompalo, Revenue Analyst II Ms. Rompalo joined the IFO in June 2016. Primary responsibilities include

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Revenue Estimates (September 2015)  Natural Gas Production Report (October 2015)  Quarterly Revenue Review (October 2015)  Raising the Minimum Wage in Pennsylvania (November 2015)  Shared Risk Pension Analysis (December 2015)  Economic and Budget Outlook: Fiscal Years 2015‐

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1949. It is used in the calculation of various state subsidies for school districts, including the basic education subsidy. The minimum MV/PI AR is 0.1500. For FY 2020-21, 413 districts had an MV/PI AR of 0.4000

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highly compensated or long-service employees will differ depending on factors such as age, plan design, and actuarial assumptions. -46- Minimum Required Distributions – Rules for making required distributions upon retirement differ significantly for a DC plan as compared with a DB

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About IFO

forecasts of department expenditures and forecasting the Lottery Fund. Other responsibilities include working on special projects pertaining to education, demographics, minimum wage and other subjects as needed. Jesse Bushman Fiscal Analyst II Mr. Bushman joined the IFO in 2016 and his

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