IFO Releases
Labor Market Update - October 2021
October 26, 2021 | Economics and Other
The IFO released its monthly update that tracks the state labor market. The jobs shortfall expanded in September on a year-over-year (YOY) basis relative to a no-pandemic scenario. For September, the computed YOY change in payroll jobs is -384,800, compared to -365,500 for August.
Inflation Eroding Real Wages and Pension Benefits
October 19, 2021 | Economics and Other
The IFO published a new research brief that examines the impact of inflation on the real earnings of Pennsylvania workers and the real value of public pension benefits.
Demographic and Labor Market Update
October 06, 2021 | Economics and Other
Director Matthew Knittel provided a demographics and labor market update to the Lancaster Chamber of Commerce.
Tags: demographic, labor, market, presentation