
Pension Analysis

Act 100 of 2016 transferred the responsibility to provide actuarial notes for legislation that proposes changes to public employee pension or pension plans to the Independent Fiscal Office (IFO). The IFO’s current Pension Analysis Policies is available here:

All actuarial notes issued by the IFO are posted on this website and available in the “Actuarial Notes” link below. The IFO also publishes statutory and special reports on pension issues in the Commonwealth available in the “Special Reports” link. test

IFO Releases

Public Pension Status and Outlook

September 28, 2021 | Pension Analysis

The IFO released a research brief that provides a status update and outlook for public pension systems in Pennsylvania. Data for state and local systems show that while the fiscal health of public pension systems has improved in recent years, the overall unfunded liability remains significant.

Full Report